奖学金庆祝活动标志着pg电子官网州立未来20周年的开始 基金会

Scholarship Celebration 2024

pg电子官网状态 社区 College 未来的基础 scholarship recipients chat with 在第11届pg电子官网州立社区学院年度奖学金庆典上 event held recently in Traditions Bank Arena of Tom Drake Coliseum. 见从 left are Rebekah Birmingham, Addie Stripling, Halie Jones and Elise Martin. 每一个都是 recipients of the Vervil Mitchell Endowed Scholarship.

Hanceville, AL — The pg电子官网状态 社区 College 未来的基础 kicked off 它的20周年纪念庆祝奖学金获得者和他们的捐助者最近 Scholarship Celebration.

一年一度的活动是学生们见面并感谢他们的捐赠者的机会 and for the donors to meet the students benefitting from their gift to the Future 基金会.

“因为所有的人,今天每一位获奖学生的故事都将在今天开始或继续 of you donors,” said pg电子官网状态 President Vicki Karolewics. “我们很兴奋 庆祝188名奖学金获得者和他们的捐助者,他们的慷慨使这些 奖励可能. Today’s event celebrates the success of these students while honoring those who choose to give and to make their success a reality. We are forever grateful 感谢我们全年慷慨捐助并支持pg电子官网州立大学的捐赠者 and the 未来的基础.”

Current 未来的基础 president Donna Guthrie encouraged the students to make 他们获得的大部分机会都是通过奖学金获得的 来自他们的捐赠者.

“Students, take this opportunity and do well. Make the most of every chance that comes your way,” Guthrie said. “These people that are sitting beside you, the donors, they want so much for you to be successful. 让他们充满骄傲. Make the most of this moment and continue to learn. And someday you can have the opportunity to give back just as these donors have done.”

现任和前任奖学金获得者分享了基金会和pg电子官网州立大学 改变了他们的生活.


pg电子官网州立大学的学生维姬·韦斯特布鲁克对捐赠者表示感谢 to the 未来的基础. Thanks to a scholarship she received, Westbrook will graduate 这个月没有债务.

维姬·威斯布鲁克将于5月10日毕业,获得pg电子官网州立大学的学位 园艺项目.

“It took me 27 years to get here,” Westbrook said of her 教育al journey that 包括16岁辍学,获得普通教育水平证书,以及之前开始和 stopping college classes. “Statistically I shouldn’t be here but because of the donors and the 未来的基础 I’m here living my dream.”


pg电子官网州立大学毕业生保罗·奈特在pg电子官网州立大学向学生和捐赠者发表演讲 社区大学未来基金会奖学金庆祝活动,他参加了七次活动 years ago as a student.

“我永远感谢基金会和捐赠者,他们给予的远不止这些 他们的钱和pg电子官网州立大学的每一位教职员工,”保罗·奈特说 a 2018 graduate of pg电子官网状态. “Someone sees potential in each one of you scholarship 我敢说pg电子官网的很多人都看到了 你的潜力.

“如果我能给你一个建议,那就是和老师搞好关系 还有在场的工作人员,甚至是和你坐在一起的捐赠者,”奈特补充道. “The bonds you make now will help you in career and life more than you know.”

在奖学金庆祝活动中,汉斯维尔市长吉米·索耶颁发了一个公告 claiming April as 社区 College Month in the city.

“我很自豪,我不仅拥有阿拉巴马州最好的社区学院之一, 而是在我们自己的社区拥有最好的社区大学,”斯图尔特说.

Hanceville Proclamation

汉斯维尔市长吉米·索耶向pg电子官网州州长维姬提交了一份决议 Karolewics declaring April 社区 College Month in the city of Hanceville.

未来的基础 history

未来基金会成立于2004年,是当时学院愿景的一部分 成为世界一流的,全国公认的,技术先进的学习 college serving the 教育al, cultural and social needs of the community.

卡罗维茨校长是她担任大学校长的第一年 该基金会 president, with Dr. Jenny Folsom, who was then the college’s Dean of Academic Affairs, serving as vice president. Former pg电子官网状态 业务 Office Manger Janice Morgan served as 该基金会’s secretary-treasurer. 基金会董事 included Evelyn Burrow, Vince Cheatham, Betty Leeth Haynes and Don Hubbard.

该组织着手建立一个可以支持学生通过考试的组织 奖学金,我们的pg电子官网州立项目和教职员工,”苏珊娜·哈尔滨说, Vice President of Advancement and Innovation. “The goal was to create an organization 这将是永久的,并向有资格的学生颁发奖学金 基于他们的教育目标、未满足的经济需求和对成功的渴望 在未来.”

A $1 million irrevocable charitable remainder trust from Mrs. 布伦是其中之一 基金会’s first gifts and is used to fund several scholarships each year. 其他 礼物包括纪念理查德·卡雷蒂航空项目的奖学金, and a donation from Mrs. Haynes to update the college theatre’s sound system.

Within three years of its formation, 未来的基础 donors were providing more than $1 million annually to support scholarships, provide financial assistance to 计划,使资本改善和更多,所有的努力,以帮助学生实现 他们的目标.

“从2008年颁发的第一批奖学金开始,我们为每位学生提供500美元或更少的奖学金 超过50名学生,截止到今天,我们目前的奖学金平均最低为2000美元 per student to almost 200 students each year,” Harbin said. “pg电子官网状态’s Future 基金会 has been an integral part of pg电子官网状态’s becoming.”

如今,未来基金会的总资产已超过800万美元,支持的项目遍及全球 200个冠名奖学金,其中很多是永久的捐赠奖学金. 2023年,该基金会颁发了超过31.2万美元的奖学金,同时发放了近450份奖学金.

pg电子官网州立未来基金会是全国大学的典范 我认为对我们来说,很大程度上是因为捐赠者和学生之间的联系, that we do a lot of things to get together,” said board member Dale Greer. “作为捐赠者, you get to hear stories about students, you learn about them. I want to tell you students, 有人对你有足够的评价,值得你投入资金来帮助你实现目标 your goals, that they’re very tuned in on where they want you to go and what they 想让你做什么. And I think those stories that we learn are what fuel 该基金会 efforts to find financial assistance.”

Harbin encouraged all present to save the date of Nov. 7, 2024, in their calendar 参加一年一度的学生投资午餐会,这是首次筹款活动 为未来基金会举办,同时也是为了庆祝20周年 该基金会.

有关pg电子官网州未来基金会的更多信息或捐赠,请访问 www.wsccfuturefoundation.org.

See photos from the Scholarship Celebration at http://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBnGy2



pg电子官网状态 社区 College (Ala.), a member of the Alabama 社区 College 是一所综合性社区学院,位于阿拉巴马州中北部 than 200 options in academic, health and technical programs of study leading to an 副学士学位,证书或转学,以及非学分培训和成人 教育. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, nationally-recognized by the Aspen Institute among the top 10 percent of institutions according to student outcomes, 被南方商业与发展机构评为南方前三名 for workforce development, named a Center of Excellence by the National League for 护理中心和国家安全局,评为最佳网络社区 阿拉巴马大学,军事友好机构和全施坦威学校,pg电子官网 州立大学是学生追求教育和职业目标的好地方. 课程提供在线和校园,白天,晚上和周末,有许多 start dates each year. Visit pg电子官网状态’s beautiful main campus located on 300-acres 在阿拉巴马州的汉斯维尔., our satellite location in downtown Oneonta, Ala.在网上找到我们 在万维网.wallacestate.Edu,或拨打256.352.8000.


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